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Language learning to support active social inclusion the last mobility!

The third Short-term joint staff training events, Murzasichle/Poland 19-25.09.2022.

The main aim of the last training course is to introduce the concept of social inclusion in education and train participants in ensuring inclusion during their educational activities with various groups of adults as well as get familiar with CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) approach in language learning as a powerful tool for active social inclusion especially when working with NEET adults as well as migrants and refugees: for developing intercultural knowledge, understanding and communication skills; as an instrument for identity development, for accessing work placement, developing social networks and promoting long-term active participation in a multilingual society and working life.

The project is funded by #Adultseducation Erasmus+ Edukacja dorosłych #ErasmusPlus, with collaboration between 3 international organisations from #Poland #fundacjaactivekids #Lithuania #Tavo and #Slovakia #adele

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